Mike’s Captain, Arni, makes his final voyage

November 30, 2011

I opened my email yesterday to read that Arni had passed away. I knew he had not been well and had thought that whilst I would pray for grace for him and his family, that at his age, what a wonderful thing to be with God, away from the trouble and strife of this life. But the rest of the day and into this morning I find myself saddened and in shock at Arni’s death. I know in my head that he is in a beautiful place but the emotional impact is strong.

Mike & Captain Arni on Logos II

“Dear Mark Night

I will bring your greeting to my Deckies. I have a fantastic team on deck and I tell you, Knight junior is one of our real blessings. He joined as a boy – Now he’s a man. He’s doing a good job on deck and he is giving a good speach, when he has the thought for the day – You can be proud of him. He is consistent and growing day by day.



                                                                              Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago 25th of June 2008

 To Whom it May Concern

 As Captain of the Logos II, it’s my pleasure of writing this letter of recommendation for Mike Knight.

 Mike has worked with me as a seaman in the Deck Department aboard the MV Logos II over the past six Months . MV Logos II is an ocean-going passenger ship, normally manned by over 200 volunteers from 35 different nations. The goal the MV Logos II is to serve the nations of the world in many aspects, including humanitarian aid.

 Mike is a very responsible, intelligent and self-motivated individual. He is a man that can be relied upon. He works well with others, and has made significant contribution to the ship.

He can be trusted to accomplish difficult and complex projects. He is able to think creatively, “out of the box”, to deal with problems and get jobs done.

 In spite of his young age – I consider Mike as an excellent seaman. It is interesting to watch him working in the Lifeboats and to see how mature his behaviour is, and to see how much he already after only six months has learned.

 I feel certain that no Employer, Institute, School or Organisation will ever regret their association with Mike Knight.I recommend him without reservation.

 If I could be at any further assistance at any time – please do not hesitate to contact me through the above address.

 Yours sincerely,

 Captain Arni B. Jensen


So whilst I rejoice that Mike and Arni are there with Dave Thomas, reminiscing about the 6 month final tour of duty the LII had in the Caribbean, I have to say, I hate death and all that surrounds it. There is such a horribleness about death.

Thank you Arni for your example in life to me and then later to my boy. I salute you. Mark

Laura’s Baptism

November 28, 2011

Laura has had a very thoughtful and purposeful faith journey since her brother died. She and I had a wonderful walk around the park the morning after Mike died and talked about Mike’s faith, life and death. I’m proud that she has determined for herself what her beliefs and values are. Love you heaps Laura! 

Afraid of spoiling a memory

November 20, 2011

When my dad came out to Australia in 1986 to visit Kath and I, dad had initially thought he would like to visit Sydney, the place he had been to on his ship during the war. He had many fond memories and some events that altered the course of his life. Then he decided to not go, afraid that the physical changes would disappoint him and possibly ruin the happy memories.

Yesterday Kath and I decided to go to Keilder Water, a place we had caravaned in with the kids. It had been 13 years since we had been there. With the perfect weather, the occasion surpassed my memory. In fact they have developed a 26 mile cycle path around the resivoir, which is enticing Kath and I back.

Its a risk to possibly spoil precious memories, I’m happy we took the risk.

Keilder Water

Its not important what you take with you when you leave the world behind but it is important what you leave behind when you are taken!

November 10, 2011

You take nothing with you when you leave the world behind but you do leave behind something when you are taken, the question is what. Some leave great wealth, but broken relationships, others leave awesome results that have been built on and we enjoy today their blood, sweat and tears…..and on and on I could go. We think of death and what we take or cannot take, but it struck me as I choose to be purposeful with my time, money, friendships that I want to think about what I take or leave behind whilst I am alive, what I leave behind in people today.

Today I am in Malaysia, I will interact with people throughout the day. When I sit and have breakfast with someone, what deposit will I leave behind, what encouragement can I be to them throughout our interaction? What can I take from them in a positive way and be enlightened or encouraged, or do I miss the opportunity and stay on the surface and shallow? Do I go through the day with a taking mentality that life is all about me. So I hog the conversation, I tell my story, I protect my time, I look after No.1 or do I behave in a way that makes the interaction with me making people want more of me!!!!! What is the impression, the picture I have painted through the way I behave? Have I left a positive one or a negative one? Why wait until death to think and see the legacy of our work, I want to leave a legacy every day in people’s lives……not sure how well I do that but I want to keep pursuing that goal.