Cumbria Life

March 30, 2009

Non English people comment on the lack of good weather we endure living in Carlisle. Not sure what whey mean!

cumbriaWe messed up on the day light savings and so were 40 minutes late for church. Mike was also off work and up which in its self is rather amazing for an 18 year old!













Carlisle town centre boasts to have the site of Englands first post box. This one is in the middle of nowhere within the Cumbria National Park. No wonder our Post Office is going bust, it must cost an arm and a leg to send out a van to daily check this one. Not sure what the sheep want to post!





mike-dad1Love my buddy to bits and make every opportunity to do things together whilst I have him under my roof!I cannot believe how he is growing up and developing into a fine young man!

Memory Lane

March 28, 2009

mike-mumCrimond, 15a Blackettswood Drive, Chorley Wood, The house where I grew up has had a few changes.crimond Its strange as this has been “my home for 49 years”. Its always nice to visit mum and bring back happy memories of when the 3 boys were all together. Crimond is some how referenced to Psalm 23, The Lord is my Shepherd.

A Great Day

March 28, 2009

Mike has had his interview at Nexus Music College. dsc00180He has to wait now and be told if he has what it takes musically to be accepted. Pray for him as this is his dream and he REALL dosent want to work at McDonalds much longer! I have my feet on the ground and are not often into the touchy feely side of my faith but when we walked into the auditorium where they were meeting as a college for worship, we sensed a wonderful presence of God’s Holy Spirit.


These 4 ladies all met in Carlisle 15 years ago and all accept the Knights have moved south. Linda has recently discovered that she has two tumors on the brain. We just had to jump in the car and come and see her. Pray with us for Divine Intervention. Yet again God’s strengh in our weakness was very evident in Dave and Linda’s life. The one phrase they both used thought the afternoon was “his peace that surpasses”. The human side is to panic, what a testimony to the evidence of the Grace of God in someones life.


My brother Chris getting his once a year cuddle with Kathy! Chris ownes a small garage in the same village we grew up and has by hard work developed it with our cousin into a very nice business.  After many years of hard slog he is now working 4 days a week and enjoying time to just enjoy life. The Psalmist says “step out of the traffic” (well Peterson does in the message!)

No Picture

March 26, 2009

Im so enjoying a book about Transition. I have studied lots and read even more but this would have to be a must for those that want to understand the space between where you are and were you are going. Its the bit that many leave out in Change Management. We are off tomorrow early down south so Mike can go to an interview .


March 25, 2009

RayRay and I have been all over the world together on our ships and guess what, we have both ended up in Carlisle, UK! Rays not been a well man this last year and has undergone several major surgeries. I went over a few times to pray with him or just cut his grass. I had a little painting job at Akilas flat so Ray and I left Carlisle at 4am to be in Leicester for 8:am, Paint the room and drive back. During the day I realised again how good it is to have friends. Thanks Ray!

Saying Bye to Akila!

March 10, 2009

akila-mike1Its been great having Akila with us for a few days. She has been busy getting some course work finished and enjoying family dynamics! I keep telling her she will always be my daughter and I will nag even when I’m 90!

Mike was proud to deposit 65% of his wage from Macas today, giving him now 2/3rds of the money he needs for his sudies next year in music.

March 8, 2009

Kathy and I had a small walk in our local park today and found the wind freezing. Laura is off walking in the Lake District on her Duke of Edingburgh course. She will have to battle with cold, rain and snow!
